Av. Maurice Van Hemelrijck Molenbeek-Saint-Jean
GPS coordinates :
50.8526 , 4.3008
Scientific inventory


Category :
Arbre remarquable
Latin name :
Corylus colurna
French name :
Noisetier de Bysance ou Noisetier de Turquie
Dutch name :
English name :
Turkish hazel
Family :
Height :
10 m
Targeted height :
This species can grow up to 25 m
Diameter of the crown :
8 m
Trunk circumference :
119 cm
Expected circumference :
450 cm
Expected longevity :
Can live for 200 years
Origin / Indigenous
Anatolia (west) and south-eastern Europe
Favorite soil :
Likes chalky-rich and sandy soils
Favorite climate

Usefulness and services of the tree :

Enhances the landscape :
Enhances the biodiversity :
Provide oxygen :
Purify the air :
Filter the water :
Prevents flooding :
Stores carbon :
Softens the climate :
Limits soil erosion :
Does good, heals :

Features and characters of the individual

Hazel trees grow quietly in dense hedges and on the edge of woods. They are part of rural landscapes more than urban landscapes. These trees are often known as shrubs. This hazel does not go unnoticed though. Turkish hazels are a hardy species, which grows a straight trunk and a beautiful crown in the shape of an egg. It could well reach 20–25 m in the coming years. Turkish hazel trees are being used as decoration in more and more parks, roundabouts and avenues. Be careful not to confuse them with other trees in the hazel genus though!