Parc de Forest Forest
GPS coordinates :
50.8230 , 4.3380
Scientific inventory


Category :
Arbre remarquable
Latin name :
Aesculus hippocastanum
French name :
Marronnier commun
Dutch name :
Witte paardenkastanje
English name :
Common horse chestnut
Family :
Height :
20 m
Targeted height :
This species can grow up to 30–35 m
Diameter of the crown :
10 m
Trunk circumference :
343 cm
Expected circumference :
700 cm
Expected longevity :
Can live for 300 years
Origin / Indigenous
Originally from the Balkans and Anatolia, it spread throughout Europe in the middle of the 16th century
Favorite soil :
Likes all soil types, but not too dry if possible
Favorite climate
Cool to temperate and Mediterranean

Usefulness and services of the tree :

Enhances the landscape :
Enhances the biodiversity :
Provide oxygen :
Purify the air :
Filter the water :
Prevents flooding :
Stores carbon :
Softens the climate :
Limits soil erosion :
Does good, heals :
Collection of the Belgian State, permanent loan to the Meise Botanic Garden : Hempel, Die Bäume und Sträucher dese Waldes, pl. 47, 1889

Features and characters of the individual

This tree is part of a small grove of chestnut trees that borders the immense sand pit halfway up Parc de Forest. In springtime, (May-June) it really stands out. While most of its neighbours are turning red, it is adorned with large white flowers spotted with pink and yellow. Otherwise, it fits in with the others for the rest of the year, with its reddish brown bark that flakes in small plates.