Parc Josaphat Schaerbeek
GPS coordinates :
50.8622 , 4.3841
Scientific inventory
Strolling through Josaphat Park


Category :
Arbre remarquable
Latin name :
Platanus x hispanica
French name :
Platane à feuille d’érable
Dutch name :
Gewone plataan
English name :
London plane
Family :
Height :
35 m
Targeted height :
This species can grow up to 40 m
Diameter of the crown :
28 m
Trunk circumference :
556 cm
Expected circumference :
800 cm
Expected longevity :
Can live for 300–500 years
Origin / Indigenous
Crossed in Spain or southern France around 1650
Favorite soil :
light, fresh, fertile
Favorite climate
Temperate warm, but also temperate fresh

Usefulness and services of the tree :

Enhances the landscape :
Enhances the biodiversity :
Provide oxygen :
Purify the air :
Filter the water :
Prevents flooding :
Stores carbon :
Softens the climate :
Limits soil erosion :
Does good, heals :

Features and characters of the individual

You can’t just approach a giant like this in any normal way. To admire its height in all its glory, you need to take a step back. This tree does not appreciate people walking over its roots. They extend far beyond its crown and well beyond the perimeter that protects it. To get a grasp of their real extent, you have to be at the end of the paved area, with the bandstand on the left and the milk house on the right. Here its fine roots can tickle the soles of our feet. Here, in spring and winter, you can see the Brusilia tower through its huge crown. The contrast between these two monuments is impressive. The organic build-up of the tree and geometric forms of the building form an interesting relationship.

Photo collection: © Priscille Cazin - Sylvolutions / 32shoot asbl
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