Square Eugène Plasky Schaerbeek
GPS coordinates :
50.8510 , 4.3962
Scientific inventory


Category :
Arbre remarquable
Latin name :
Taxus baccata
French name :
If commun
Dutch name :
Gewone Taxus
English name :
Common yew
Family :
Height :
12 m
Targeted height :
This species can grow up to 20 m
Diameter of the crown :
12 m
Trunk circumference :
224 cm
Expected circumference :
500 cm
Expected longevity :
Can live for 900–1000 years
Origin / Indigenous
Europe, northern Africa, Caucasus and Anatolia
Favorite soil :
Likes well draining soils that are rich and humid
Favorite climate
Temperate and continental

Usefulness and services of the tree :

Enhances the landscape :
Enhances the biodiversity :
Provide oxygen :
Purify the air :
Filter the water :
Prevents flooding :
Stores carbon :
Softens the climate :
Limits soil erosion :
Does good, heals :
Belgian Federal State Collection on permanent loan to the Meise Botanical Garden : Mouillefert, Traité des arbres et arbrissaux, Atlas, pl. 32, 1892-1898

Features and characters of the individual

Yews are understated trees. They are often small, growing very very slowly. They are common in Belgium and “typical of the region” (native). In cities they are often found as large, trimmed bushes, shrubs or hedges. But here in Square Eugène Plasky, we are dealing with a monumental tree. Having grown freely, it almost has the silhouette of a tree that has grown in the country. This tree has been here since the area’s creation at the beginning of the 20th century. It has also been a witness to all the neighbourhood’s transformations. Like many yews, it can grow back from a stump: an ability that makes this species a symbol of immortality. This tree has protected status. If we continue to take care of it, this 100-years-old youngster could still be alive in 800–900 years.